No matter how compatible you are, sharing a closet can be a challenging experience. But it is possible.
Here are some excellent tips for accomplishing this very task:
Start Fresh: Rather than trying to integrate the new partner’s wardrobe, clear out everything. That way you can easily see how to divide the space – and that some long-forgotten items can go away to free up space. You’re sure to discover items you haven’t used in a while; and if you haven’t used them, should you continue to store them?
Set a Boundary: Designate which portion of the closet will be owned by who. You can negotiate that agreement based on the things you will be storing. Then, honor that boundary.
It’s literally acting as your line in the sand. You don’t go beyond your side and your spouse or partner shouldn’t either. You can both keep to your halves for less clutter.
Deal with the Here and Now: Now that your space has been halved, be judicious about what you store. Items that you don’t need this season can be moved out to other storage – in another closet, the attic or garage. Those big vacuum sealed bags are a great way to protect your things.
Everything in Its Place: There are some great options out there for organizing your storage for easy access:
Jewelry Trays – Slide-out jewelry drawers help prevent tangled jewelry and give you a clear view of all your options in one place
Baskets – Whether you used the pull-out or tip-out variety, baskets are great for keeping folded garments and odds and ends.
Shoe Organizers – No more tripping over piles of shoes on your closet floor with space-saving shoe shelves.
Hanging Solutions – Make use of specially designed garment hangers, valet rods, tie and belt racks to keep everything in order. A tasteful hook or two will also be a great add for storing your bath robe for easy access.
Sharing a closet can make it twice as difficult to keep it neat. But with a little effort, you can make it twice as easy.